Normal: Conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern.   |   Average:  a single value that represents the general significance of a set of unequal values.

The national weather terms anything that changes above or below a value as "normal weather".  There is NO SUCH THING as normal weather nor is there any such thing as "exact weather". There is AVERAGE weather which is a better term to explain changes in the weather over a period of time.

When you are told the weather is below or above "normal" you tend to think the weather is abnormal. Weather is NEVER normal in the sense that it is abnormal if it changes. The national weather service term above or below normal weather term is misleading. Weather can and is below or above an average.

Another misleading term used by the national weather service is climate change as it relates to the myth of global warming.

Climate change is weather that changes every day. The term climate change is used to promote the myth of global warming to lure you into thinking climate change is something abnormal.

Remember everyday weather changes and if it was warm or cold yesterday, a month ago or a year ago and today is is above or below what is was before that DOES NOT MEAN it is abnormal. It just means the weather is not the same as it was. This is NORMAL!

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Global Warming or "Climate Change" HOAX Explained